Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Here is an image of Dave Porter's 1/100 scale Defender.

This a mechanized robot weapon from the 1982 Japanimation TV series Macross. It’s supposed to be about 50 feet high. The kit is from Imai and it’s in 1/100 scale (stands about 6” tall). The fit wasn’t so good but the decals were very nice indeed. Dave finished it in Tamiya colors and artist oil paint.


  1. Are those supposed to be chopper blades on it's head?

    Other than that it looks cool. Can't say I have heard of Macross. Robotech yes, but Macross no.

  2. That's an antenna. Robotech is the American version of Macross. Robotech combined three unrelated Japanese anime series and as it was written for US television a common thread was woven between them. This was necessary because at the time, US syndication, copywrite law etc. required that the shows needed a 65 episode minimun. Macross was only 36. The other series that were included to create Robotech were "Southern Cross" and "Mospeada".


  3. Dave- You sure seem to know a lot about this kind of thing. I'm a little worried:}

  4. Can you suggest a treatment?


  5. Thanks Dave! That's interesting about the syndication limit.
