Thursday, August 19, 2010


Here is an image of Dave Porter's Glaug battle pod.

This is a “Glaug” battle pod from the Macross. It’s piloted by officers of the Zentraedi army (the bad guys). This kit is 1/200 scale and I built it straight from the box. I created a Martian surface for a base. The model is finished in Gunze colors and artist oils.


  1. I think I'm going to finish my Trad 11. I'm feeling inspired.

  2. Hi Warren,

    What is the Trad 11? What show if any?


  3. The Trad 11 was a walker machine from the early 80s anime tv show called Combat Mecha Xabungle.

  4. Love the model as always, but that's got to be one of the worst names. I can just picture somebody yelling, "Oh no! It's a Glaug!"

  5. When I hear that name I picture some solitary, fat, large,bad tempered slimy beast with a penchant for tasty creatures that run away from him.

  6. Yeah! I can't even pronounce most of the names of the hardware. The Robotech series scrapped most of the Japanese Macross names and came up more generic ones.

  7. Hello,
    It's a nice paintjob you did there, especially since it's supposed to be quite a small piece.
    I'm wondering what exact size is this kit, once finished, I can find no info about it. Would you tell me what's its exact height and the length of the cockpit/main body, please ?
    Thanks in advance.
    Kevin. (france)

  8. Hi Kevin,

    Thanks you for the compliment. The kit is 9.5 cm tall and the pod is 4.6 cm long. The scale is 1/200. They show up on ebay once in a while. There is a 1/100 available too. Are you looking to get one?


  9. Hello Dave,
    Thanks a lot for your nice reply !
    Now I know how small it is, thanks to you.
    I'm actually wanting to make a squad of fully articulated Zentradi pods like the revoltech "Regult" one (-> ) and since the 1/100 old Macross kits are way too big in comparison, I wondered if the 1/200 pieces would match, so I have some base to work with. I already started to work on modified parts for the Regult I recasted. Then I'll be able to have several "standard" ones, plus the different "missile carrier" ones and a "scout" each with is own markings.
    ... Now I guess I'll have to full-scratch the Glaug, since the scale of the Regult seems to be between 1/100 and 1/200. Too bad that there is no existing 1/144 model for these Pods ! ^__^

    Thanks again and best regards !
