Tuesday, August 2, 2011

H.M.S. Surprise

According to the clock this model took me about 480 hours to construct which of course is faster then I expected.
I don't know if the construction was easier than I thought it would be or if I've just gotten better and faster at ship building over the ages or a bit of both.
Anyway despite the problems with the kit itself in the end it produced a very fine model.

Now to find a place for this 4 1/2 foot\ 1/48 scale beast.


  1. I knew this was gonna be a masterpiece and I was right. Congratulations!

  2. Thanks Pablo - Building a model like this wore me out.

  3. I congratulate Warren, has been very good. Surely, because of your great experience, you were faster than you thought.


  4. Gracias Diego - Me pasaron un promedio de alrededor de 10 horas al día en ella.

  5. A work of art this is!


  6. WOW! Warren, this is just amazing. You are not just a model builder, you are an artist! A DEDICATED artis as well...
    Seriously, it's so beautiful!

  7. All that effort has resulted in a fantastic looking model.

  8. Thanks Ubique - It was hard but fun.

  9. Superb! Are you taking a break, or are you headed right back at it?

  10. Actually Hanny I'm working on the Nimitz right now with all the after market parts.

  11. That is majestic. Craftsmanship.

  12. Thanks Kal - I love ships from that era. I find them to be the most majestic.

  13. Wow! That just became a masterpiece, it's really nice to see the building process step by step. Cheers!

  14. My kit just arrived.
    When I document my 'voyage' through my project, I am going to start by saying:
    "Now I'm no Warren Zoell, not by a long chalk, but..."
    You, Sir, are a Master model builder.

  15. Thanks slashusr - I should warn you that your kit may come with brass wire that isn't brass wire. It's more like a gold coated spring wire. Brass wire is supposed to be soft and pliable. I found the wire that came with this kit to be almost useless. I would recommend that you replace it with the real stuff. You can buy it cheaply at any wind instrument music store.
