Saturday, August 20, 2011

Moskito Re Post

Here are some images of Revell's 1/48 scale Focke Wulf Ta 154 "Moskito". Hailed by the propaganda ministry as Germany's Mosquito. The wooden Ta 154 had excellent performance and came very near to being a major combat type but it wasn't to be. The Tego film used to bond the wood together in earlier aircraft was satisfactory for use however after the RAF bombed the Tego film plant builders were forced to use a cold glue adhesive which proved to contain to much acid which of coarse ate away the wood, a problem that was never fully solved. So as a result the Ta 154 was never put into service.


  1. Bad for them and good for the rest of us. Still, a great looking plane and model.

  2. Thanks Pat- LOL!! I don't know what it was with Germans and adhesives.
