Sunday, August 12, 2012

DH-82C Tiger Moth

Here are some images of yet another Matchbox 1/32 scale  de Havilland DH-82C Tiger Moth.
This friendly little devil served with the N0. 19 E.F.T.S Royal Canadian Air Force. Virden Manitoba in 1943.

Images of my other Tiger Moth can be seen here and here.


  1. The Tiger Moth! I'd love to fly one of these for a couple hours. The Abbotsford Air Show is going on right now, and while I was sailing I saw some planes doing some tricks over the islands.

  2. We used to get lots of airshows around these parts every year. Now nothing.

  3. Resembles that of "Out of Africa", although I know it's a Gypsy Moth

