Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jasper Class

Here are some images of my kit bash of a 1/1000 scale Jasper Class Starship.
Though similar in appearance to the Centaur Class it is not as heavily armed and is slightly faster and in my view sleeker in appearance than its Centaur cousin.
Built at the Utopia Plantitia ship yards Mars the Jasper Class is a medium cruiser designed specifically for long range scientific and exploratory missions.
This particular ship is The Sakar and is currently operating under The Vulcan Science Counsel.
When the Vulcan Shuttle Sakar was destroyed a few months earlier it was felt as a point of honor that the name much like the name Enterprise should always be maintained within the Starfleet registry.

Jasper Class:
Affiliation: Federation Starfleet/Vulcan Science Counsel
Type: Medium Cruiser
Service period: 23rd century - 24th century

Length: 381.89 meters
Width: 320.16 meters
Height: 78.47 meters
Mass: 820,000 metric tons

Crew: 298 officers and crew
Maximum Speed: Warp factor 9.73 for 12 hours
Armaments: 5 type 9 phaser emitters plus 2x2 photon torpedo launchers (2 in front and 2 in back)
Defenses: Deflector shields
Auxiliary craft: Federation and Vulcan shuttlecraft

I kit bashed this model using parts from 3 model kits. AMT/ ERTL's U.S.S. Enterprise B, U.S.S. Excelsior and the U.S.S. Reliant kits.
You may ask why I would wreck 3 models to build 1.
Well these kits were getting old and were beginning to yellow especially the decals, and as these kits are about to be re released again soon anyway I figured why not.


  1. Very nice! It takes some skill to do this and make it look like it all belongs together...

  2. Thanks Pat - I'm creating another type with the rest of the pieces.

  3. Nice model - I particularly like the Aztecing on the disc.


  4. Very cool. It must be a lot of fun to design Star Fleet. Is the aztec pattern decal or paint?

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Warren. Thanks for classical music.


  5. Thanks Dave - I hope you have had an excellent Christmas as well. The Aztecing I downloaded from Starship Modeler onto decal sheet.
    You should give it a go. It's a lot of fun.

  6. Love your kitbashes! That's the way to make ST ships, not the wimpy 3D CG way!

    The azteking on the jasper is crazy.

    Also, sorry I haven't been around until now to return your wishes for a happy Christmas: I hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday.

  7. Thanks Arkonbey - I hope you had a great Christmas as well.
    I agree CG sucks.
