Friday, December 6, 2019

!0 Years

It's been 10 years since I started this site and I hope to continue it. I've just been taking a long hiatus as I've become just too burnt out from model building and I need time away from it for awhile.
But not to worry I will return.
In the meantime I've decided to take up playing music again. I quit playing music back in the mid 90's because the music business was more about business than music. I got sick and tired of agents telling us to "Play more hits guys" instead of playing what we wanted to play. So I walked away from it. The music business has gotten a lot worse since then. Just look at what passes for music nowadays.
Anyway regardless I've decided to pick up my guitar again and give it a go for my own amusement and bemusement, and I have to say that man do I suck. But It's coming back to me slowly and I am getting better.


  1. Hi Warren,
    I am glad to hear from you.
    Go, go, so musician. Excellent.
    Won't you be the 6th Beatle?
    But remember, one thing does not take away the other. You can go doing a little of everything.
    I have opened the Caumuzzik channel, music, hehe ...
    Don't hate me. I do it with the garageband. In any case, the fault lies with Steve Jobs and Apple.
    Merry Christmas Warren, a hug.

  2. Feliz Navidad Diego!
    No se preocupe, tengo un Grumman Hellcat a escala 1/24 y un Panzer II a escala 1/6 en espera de ser construido. Llegaré a ellos eventualmente.

  3. Congratulations for that, You are doing very good models. Keep on the good stuff :)

  4. Enjoy what you do.
    Thanks for 10 years of Canadian content.
    Happy new year 2020!
