Monday, August 9, 2010

Belly Dancer

Here are some images of Dave Porter's Puchala belly dancer and here is his description.

Female figures often present particular challenges in subtleness. So I figured I would give the Puchala belly dancer a go in an effort to expand my skills. Besides……I like belly dancers anyway. This figure is metal and it’s in 1/32nd scale. She looks like a dancer from a 60’s movie like “The Second To Last Remake Of Beau Geste”. Her costume and hair convinces me of that. Her pose is quite “dancer-like” too. Unfortunately over the years she has been handled a bit too much (usually by overly interested onlookers at shows and my sorry friends) so she has shown some wear and discoloring. I created the base with the use of resin stones and a Persian carpet cut out from a magazine ad.


  1. Oh my word - there is such a thing?! Since I just recently bought my son a model at which to try his hand, I will say that I appreciate the time and craftmanship. We haven't even bought the paints yet - I didn't realize there was so much involved!

  2. That's what I asked. I've never seen them before either. Belly dancer figures? in 1/32 scale?:)

  3. This is embarrassing considering I am technically supposed to be an engineer, but 1/32? Are we talking chess piece size roughly? I've always been bad visualizing measurements.

  4. Thanks for the kind words.


  5. I was impressed by the carpet as well. Can we say, CREATIVITY & RESOURCEFULNESS?
