Sunday, August 8, 2010


Here are some images of Halcyon Models 1/2400 scale U.S.S. Sulaco from the movie Alien. From Wikiupedia "The U.S.S. Sulaco is a fictional spaceship and important setting in the film Aliens. It also appears briefly in the opening scene of Alien 3, and will appear in the upcoming Aliens: Colonial Marines video game that takes place shortly after the events of Alien 3.

The Sulaco is named after a fictional town in Joseph Conrad's novel Nostromo (the name of the ship from the original Alien), and a number of other names in the franchise are based on Conrad's work as well.

Some social sciences research into the Alien franchise's symbology has considered it significant that Sulaco in Conrad's Nostromo is the home of the white owners of the silver mine figuring in the book, while the Sulaco in Aliens transports soldiers to investigate unknown troubles at a corporate outpost of Weyland Yutani and to protect the investment - drawing parallels between the 'corporate' owners in Conrad's work and the shadowy business entity forming a central part of the Aliens franchise.


  1. I continue to be impressed by the number and variety of the models that you display. How long have you been collecting and building them? (I am correct in assuming that these are all yours?)

  2. I have been building models pretty much all my life and yes unless otherwise indicated they're all mine. Every model that you see that is mine I built.

  3. Nice. Does this mean a drop ship and an APC are on the way ;)

    I always thought that the studio and the model companies dropped the ball on this. Both of those items might have been crossover hits between sci-fi/aircraft and sci-fi/armor modelers.

    I feel the same way about Babylon 5. I'm right in the middle of a Starfury right now and would have loved to be able to build an injection Thunderbolt

    I also echo Neil: your range is as impressive as your output and quality.

  4. I believe Halcyon put out a drop ship and an APC as well but unfortunatly all I was able to get my hands on was the Narcissus and the Sulaco. Besides I wonder if Halcyon even exists anymore. As for B5 I've got the Revell Star fury (2 of em) and the station and if you want have a look at the thunderbolt check out the modelers and magic link on this page.

  5. very sinister looking...

    speaking of tghe movie Alien...
    the link below relates to what happened the night I went to see Alien...

  6. I'm going to do a scratch build of this one day. Sinister looking models should be big. This ones only 13 inches long.

  7. Arkonbey- Here is that Thunderbird link. The model is by Chris Dobbinson.

  8. That T-Bolt is absolutely fantastic. Thanks for the link.

    However, my scratchbuilding skills are in their infancy (and the budget says NO to resin and v-form), so I'll just hope against all odds of someone releasing an injection kit.

    Have you built the Starfuries?

  9. I have but they're a few years old so they need a little bit of restoration. I'll get to them eventually.
