Her are some images of my kitbash/scratchbuild 1/1000 scale U.S.S. Enterprise Refit under construction.
I think that if one were to refit the Enterprise, the logical way to do it would be to build the new shell over the old one. After which the old shell would either be removed manually or beamed out. the pylons, nacelles and sensor arrays would of course have to be completely replaced.
LOVE this one! It's so darn cool looking...
Say, any chance you can crop the word verification? My last comment took three tries, because I couldn't read it.
Yes Pat I will definitely do that. Thanks for reminding me. Blogger changed their capchka's so now they're almost impossible to read. I know your pain.
Finally, on Bastille Day, 1943, Enterprise sailed for home, slipping into a berth in Bremerton, Washington, as dusk settled on July 20. In moments that each of the hundreds of men had anticipated for months, three large groups of men and officers were given 30 days leave, departing the ship about a month apart. Meanwhile the engineers, welders, steamfitters, metalworkers and machinists of Bremerton Navy Yard swarmed over the ship, properly repairing her many wounds, and refitting her to reflect the new realities of war. When she departed Bremerton on 1 November 1943, a new torpedo blister extended three quarters the length of her hull. Her flanks bristled with 50 20mm guns, and 40 40mm Bofors barrels: 36 more anti-aircraft guns than she had in July. Her 40mm and 5-inch guns were now coupled to radar-controlled gunfire directors, and her damage control systems were completely overhauled. The flight deck had been lengthened eighteen feet and widened by five. Below decks, more berths had been packed in for her growing crew, and her bridge had been modernized.
Which model kits did you use?
I just used the Polar Lights 1/1000 scale kits.
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