Here are some better images of Artesania Latina's 1/48 scale H.M.S. Bounty. This model took me almost 600 hours to construct and let me tell you after finishing a model such as this one does not wish to look at another model let alone a model ship for quite some time after that. Some models because they are so time consuming can beat the hell out of you but I loved every minute of it. It is interesting to note but as far as ship commanders went Lt. William Bligh was actually one of the better ones regardless as to how Hollywood has made him out to be. He was generally good to his men and he had an extreme reluctance to physically punishing his men when it was warranted instead preferring a verbal assault something Bligh was extremely adept at and at times got him into trouble. Now Captain George Vancouver there was a sadistic S.O.B sometimes flogging his men so hard they sometimes died. Why they named a city after him I'll never know, not exactly the nicest of chaps. Perhaps not enough research was done on him before naming the city, but I digress. If you want to see the movie I think has the closest representation and accuracy as to what really happened with The Bounty I'd suggest checking out The Bounty (1984) starring Anthony Hopkins and Mel Gibson but remember although a good movie take it with a grain of sea salt. Yarr shiver me timbers kiss the black spot!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Bligh's Bounty
Here are some better images of Artesania Latina's 1/48 scale H.M.S. Bounty. This model took me almost 600 hours to construct and let me tell you after finishing a model such as this one does not wish to look at another model let alone a model ship for quite some time after that. Some models because they are so time consuming can beat the hell out of you but I loved every minute of it. It is interesting to note but as far as ship commanders went Lt. William Bligh was actually one of the better ones regardless as to how Hollywood has made him out to be. He was generally good to his men and he had an extreme reluctance to physically punishing his men when it was warranted instead preferring a verbal assault something Bligh was extremely adept at and at times got him into trouble. Now Captain George Vancouver there was a sadistic S.O.B sometimes flogging his men so hard they sometimes died. Why they named a city after him I'll never know, not exactly the nicest of chaps. Perhaps not enough research was done on him before naming the city, but I digress. If you want to see the movie I think has the closest representation and accuracy as to what really happened with The Bounty I'd suggest checking out The Bounty (1984) starring Anthony Hopkins and Mel Gibson but remember although a good movie take it with a grain of sea salt. Yarr shiver me timbers kiss the black spot!
Glamorous Glennis
Here are some images of Pegasus Models 1/18 scale Bell X-1 research aircraft. How can I put this kindly? This model lends itself well to scratch building. You would think a model this size would have more detailing but alas no. To spruce up this model a bit I drilled out the engine exhausts, added seatbelt's and installed wiring coming off the back of the instrument panel just to spruce things up a bit. This kit looks like it was designed intentionally for the toy market as the the plastic is thick and very tough plus note that the movable wheel bay doors and landing gear have very visible hinges and the front spire does not blend well with the front of the aircraft plus it doesn't lend itself well to gluing so CA was necessary but considering the cost, $45 CDN it is well worth the buy if you are willing to put some time and effort into it. I have a book issued by Time/Life called Designers and test Pilots from their Epic of Flight series and a book called Aviation Pioneers from Osprey publications and in these books it showed the Bell X-1 Glamorous Glennis in a more weathered state. So off I went to the interweb to see if any model builders out there had posted a more weathered X-1 to get some ideas and to my surprise there weren't any. All I saw were shiny brand new looking X-1s and I think the reason why is that there isn't very many photographs out there showing a weathered X-1. So here without further ado is my version of a weathered Glamorous Glennis.
Catalan Ship
Here are some images of IMAI's 1/50 scale Catalan Ship. This model is actually a 1/1 scale model of a model whose original now lies in the Prins Hendrik Maritime Museum in Rotterdam. These models often built by mariners were usually given to church's as offerings either for pious reasons or to bring the sailor luck. This model kit is a representation of one those models still in existence. Plus this model is one of the earliest known representations of a European merchant sailing vessel of the 15th century.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
P 51 D Mustang
Here are some images of Airfix's 1/24 scale P 51 D Mustang. Until Trumpeter came out with their P 51 D this was the only 1/24 P 51 in town. Two things about this model, the first thing which seems to be a recurring theme with most Airfix 1/24 scale aircraft is an incredible lack of detail in the wheel wells. I can see having to sacrifice some detail to make retractable landing gear but at least scribe some lines. How could they put detailing in the rest of the aircraft and ignore the wheel wells? So one may wish to do a bit of scratch building in this area. The second is an assembly problem, the wing roots do not line up properly with the fuselage so as a result some shoe horning and filling is going to be required. However in the end it makes for a nice looking model.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
1914 STuTZ Racer
Great Car Models.

Here are some images of some of the great car models coming out of I.P.M.S. Regina as described to us by Mr. Dave Porter enjoy.
The first example is a 1/20 Tamiya Ferrari 640 F1 car driven by Nigel Mansell. The model was built by my buddy Larry Draper. There is a ton of extra details as you can see and lots of carbon fibre decal. I almost think I’m looking at the real thing.
This NHRA four-banger dragster was built by the late, great William Yee of Fort Qu’Appelle Sk. Will created many actual and fictitious land speed record cars that were meant for the Bonneville Salt Flats. His work represented the most in design input I think.
This last vehicle is an amazing representation of the George Barris’ A’la Kart. The model was built by Ed Kereluk of Regina. He made a few modifications on the model in order to better reflect the look of the real car. Ed is big into the show rods and customs. His finished items speak for themselves…….. World class.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Here are some images of Artesania Latina's 1/65 scale Santa Maria. Captain C. Columbus last known in command. Formally called the Galician the Santa Maria ran aground on December 24 1492 and thus it's planks were converted into a church. Like the Mayflower the Santa Maria's appearance is subject for conjecture. The woods used for this model were African Walnut, Beechwood, Boxwood and of coarse the ever popular Plywood for the frame.
H.M.C. Endeavour.
Here are some better images of Conctructo's 1/60 scale H.M.C. Endeavour Captain James ? Cook commanding. James Cooks middle name was not known. The Endeavour was a bark made of English oak with a reinforced structure. It was prepared to accommodate a group of astronomers and scientists accompanying the expedition for the main purpose of observing the transit of Venus across the sun, an event due to happen in June 1769 and which was supposed to be visible from the
Monday, April 26, 2010
Spitfire Vb
Here are some images of Trumpeter Models 1/24 scale Supermarine Spitfire MK Vb. This aircraft was flown with the 303 Polish division March 1942. This was one of the first 1/24 scale aircraft released by Trumpeter and though currently out of production is along with their still available variants the best 1/24 scale Spitfires yet produced. Before this release the best we had was the Airfix/MPC Spitfire (post coming soon). I think one of the things I like best about Trumpeter kits is their soft yet sturdy plastic which of coarse requires very little sanding and as a result less intrusion on surface and detail.
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Here are some images of my scratchbuilt 1/24 scale Grumman Lunar Module LM Eagle. Apparently the LMs all had slightly different configurations. I built this model about 10 years ago and it was one of my first scratch projects and although there are some minor accuracy issues (I think the legs are a little on the thick side) it holds up pretty well. Building this model was a study in angles particularly for the accent stage. After finishing this model I made a vow that I would never eat another Caramilk chocolate bar again for so long as I lived. That vow hasn't worked out so well.