Here are some images of my scratch n bash model of a Messenger Class Warp Shuttle the CS Lewis.
A series of four Warp shuttles were produced of this class being first launched in 2251.
JRR Tolkien NCC-291198/630
CS Lewis NCC-291198/631
O Barfield NCC-291198/632
C Williams NCC-291198/633
Equipped with multiple sensors the Messenger Class is ideally suited for long distance scientific missions where the use of heavy cruisers wouldn't be cost effective.
Proposed shuttles are as follows
H Dyson NCC-291199/734
C Tolkien NCC-291199/735
W Lewis NCC-291199/736
RL Green NCC-291199/737
A Fox NCC-291199/738
RA Harvard NCC-291199/739
JAW Bennett NCC-291199/740
D Cecil NCC-291199/741
N Coghill NCC-291199/742
Thanks Pablo - It's my own design
Original and interesting design. And I have as well impression as there is an element of Apollo Service Module :)
LOL! You are absolutely right. The back section is the exhaust nozzle from the 1/32 scale Apollo command module.
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