Here are some images of my scratchbuilt 1/9 scale (approx) 1804 Pen-Y- Darren locomotive. Designed by Richard Trevithick this became the worlds first locomotive.
In 1802 Trevithick took out a patent for his high pressure steam engine. To prove his ideas, he built a stationary engine at the Coalbrookdale Company's works in Shropshire in 1802, forcing water to a measured height to measure the work done. The engine ran at forty piston strokes a minute, with an unprecedented boiler pressure of 145 psi.
The Coalbrookdale company built a rail locomotive for him, but little is known about it, including whether or not it actually ran. To date, the only known information about it comes from a drawing preserved at the Science Museum, London, together with a letter written by Trevithick to his friend, Davies Giddy. The design incorporated a single horizontal cylinder enclosed in a return-flue boiler. A flywheel drove the wheels on one side through spur gears, and the axles were mounted directly on the boiler, with no frame.
Basically what I did was I used the 1/38 scale Minicraft model for measurements and multiplied everything by four. The flare on the smoke stack and the wheel hub points were my own embellishments. The materials used were styrene sheet, aluminium and brass tube and roding and an outdoor lamp cover which had the perfect diameter and length for the main boiler.
I think I remember this one! It takes some talent to build something like this from scratch. really good job!
Thanks Pat - It was fun to build.
Oh I like this, the matte paint is perfect. I had to forward the link for the Porsche 917K to my son, it cam up in the You Might Also Like thingy at the bottom.
Its taking me a lifetime to build the two spiral staircases I need for my light house.
PPS My son was home todayfeeling more rotten with each passing day waiting for his surgery. He came flying in with his phone saying you gotta see this,,,, yup it was your page! He builds gas powered planes and after I reminded him I got all the other sites from you for him he said, oh Write him Thanx from Me.
So Thank You from William (AKA the son formerly known as Billy!)
You're most welcome and thank you for following my site. I try to keep it interesting. My prayers go with William, you and the rest of your family as regards Williams upcoming surgery. I know what it is like facing an impending operation and it's not something one looks forward to.
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